Crystals and their magical powers — amazonite healing

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Amazonite - The Anti-Anxiety Medication of the Crystal World

Amazonite - The Anti-Anxiety Medication of the Crystal World

This gemstone blocks geopathic stress absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations and protects against electromagnetic pollution. It should be placed between you and the source of any pollution or taped to a cell phone.
An extremely soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aligns the physical body with the etheric, maintaining optimum health.
Amazonite dissipates negative energy and blockages within the nervous system.
It is beneficial in osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and calcium deposits, balancing the metabolic deficiencies that create these conditions. It heals and opens both the heart and throat chakras to enhance loving communication. It also opens the third eye chakra and intuition.
It opens the connection between the thymus and the throat which helps you express your deepest emotions; which then helps heal and resolve them.
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