Crystals and their magical powers — Rainbow aura Crystals

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Aura crystals are partly natural and partly man-made. Though artificially enhanced by modern techniques, these crystals utilize the ancient powers of alchemy and synergy. The crystals are clear or cloudy quartz that has been treated with atoms of precious metals.

Healing qualities include boosting and strengthening the aura, communication, protection, all psychic abilities, negativity, depression, sadness, loss, grief and generally a “feel better stone”. They are excellent at helping you cope with shock and trauma on any level.

The combination of Quartz with precious metals such as Gold, Silver, Platinum and other rare or trace metals creates intense radiant energy which emanates from the different varieties of Aura Quartz according to the different combinations of metals present. In addition, the varying colours are able to highly stimulate the relevant chakra, and to a lesser degree, the multi-colour iridescence exhibited by all Aura Quartz stimulates all of the chakras. As the deposition only affects the quartz as a thin outer coating, it stimulates and enhances the outer layers of the quartz's energy field. Aura quartz is therefore used primarily to enhance and stimulate our own 'subtle bodies', the aura, or layers of energy surrounding our physical selves, while the inner crystal still holds the same core energy as untreated clear quartz.

NOTE: You should not make elixirs with these crystals since you would be drinking metal particles carried by the water.

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